When someone
When someone #dies Toast their life. If the pain isn’t to great. We all say we appreciate the blessing of #life We’re full of shit. Some of us live in privilege. Others in struggle. I toast you all. We are all disposable recyclable. #Hug someone. Tell someone you love, you love them. Be kind. Be thankful. Be yourself. We can’t always be kind we can’t always be thankful we can’t always be beautiful we can’t always be happy we can’t always share we can’t always harbor jealously we can’t always not envy we can’t all live by the 10 Commandments ( as an aside seriously just ten? How about always shop on sale, (I don’t)be sure you get the latest technology, when ordering a drink spend the extra five dollars and get the premium gin, don’t be so fucking cheap doesn’t matter if it’s Happy Hour you can be happy without saving five fucking dollars, it’s OK to be vain we all are, give at least $10 a month to charity give me a fucking break you can afford it, it’s OK not to be perfect, it’s OK to admit he/she isn’t, we’re all ugly, were all beautiful, were all hiding something,were all lying we’re all truthful,to some degree) there are a lot more fucking “Commandments” that we could follow) what you can do, realize the existence iteration is finite (whatever you believe comes next, your calk, perhaps consciousness is the same as magnetism, and is the “universe”, have a good fucking time if you’re fortunate enough to live in a place and time where most of the time your time is good. #hugs.